B.O.R.I.S. The Crusher
Hoppin' Frog Brewery

B.O.R.I.S. The CrusherB.O.R.I.S. The Crusher
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Hoppin' Frog Brewery
Ohio, United States
Russian Imperial Stout
Ranked #145
Ranked #2,266
4.23 | pDev: 9.22%
Apr 04, 2024
Nov 10, 2006
This Bodacious Oatmeal Russian Imperial Stout will crush you like no other! This is the grand-daddy of all stout styles, with an intensely deep roasted and full bodied flavor. A robust hop character adds a refreshing balance.
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Ratings by cosmicevan:
Photo of cosmicevan
Reviewed by cosmicevan from New York

4.31/5  rDev +1.9%
look: 5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4
was really excited to pop this one open after all the praises i had heard...

A - poured a rich thick milky black with a thin tan head. really gorgeous. you can see the oaty thickness. in my opinion you simply can't make a more appetizing and appealing RIS. leaves a nice snail trail of lacing on the glass that slowly crawls home.

S - very chocolaty and oaty. nutty and roasted malts but not in the typical coffee and wood way but rather thick and once again oaty. There is a subtle alcohol thing going on in the back ground that refreshes the nose with a mentholated feel.

T/M/D - oh wow. it all leads up to that first sip and no disappointment at all. its a very filling and rich RIS in every way. it has the full bodied thickness of a mature oatmeal stout. the flavor is essentially all roasted malt. it's a meal in a 12oz glass let alone a 22oz bottle. but damn good beer. new style - RIOS. all though oatmeal spin adds some fantastic flavor and body it really is a bit filling. drinking two of these would be like drinking two milkshakes. mmm...milkshakes.

--- EDIT ---
2011-11-06 Cellar Aged BORIS (with "cellar aged 1 Yr" sticker on the neck of the bottle. It is actually probably 2+ years old at this point, but I suppose the brewery released cellar aged version at some point? bottle also had a sticker that says "17497"

a - opened the bottle and filled my cbs snifter. poured sludgy black. not much head and what was there was gone quick. looks thick and delicious. 4

s - dhocolate roasted malts. perfectly mellow and balanced. the roastiness is perfectly paired with the chocolate. also has a touch of a briskness to it. 4.5

t - ah yes...BORIS!!! love this beer. rich thick chocolatey bold roastiness. really well rounded. 4.5

m - here's where i feel the cellaring has done the beer some good. i remember this beer as a monster on fullness and this aged version is quite silky and smooth. much more of a softer oatmeal stout. 4.5

o - overall just a great beer. time does nice for this one...one of my favs. 4.5
Dec 04, 2010
More User Ratings:
Rated: 4.38 by Iggy88 from Ohio

Apr 04, 2024
Rated: 3.5 by BigIronH from Michigan

Apr 04, 2024
Photo of tradershmulie
Reviewed by tradershmulie from Connecticut

4.66/5  rDev +10.2%
look: 5 | smell: 4 | taste: 5 | feel: 5 | overall: 4.5
Beautiful deep rich almost black pour. Good clingy head, did not disappear.

Not much noticeable on the nose.

Delicious. Smooth, silky.

For the "simplest" of the R.I.S. styles from this brewery, it is great.
Mar 03, 2024
Rated: 4.24 by Agriverbear from Texas

Feb 25, 2024
Photo of Rug
Reviewed by Rug from Massachusetts

4.33/5  rDev +2.4%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5
Best by 8/22/26

I can’t believe that after having over 20 beers from Hoppin’ Frog that I’ve never had this OG BORIS, the basis of their entire RIS program. I’ve had many of its variants and other beers in the same family tree so it’s cool to see where it all comes from. Let’s crack it open and find out what it’s all about

Pours almost completely pitch black with a finger of creamy dark tan head that slowly fades to a thin cap and leaves minimal lacing

The nose shows a nice balance of fruity and bitter notes. I’m picking up on aromas of burnt coffee beans, black licorice, black cherry, raisin, dark toast, tobacco, vanilla bean, caramel, light molasses, and cacao nib

It’s more of the same in taste but it’s a bit smoother. On the front end of the sip I’m tasting molasses, black cherry, raisin, black licorice, leafy hops, red grape, brown sugar, toffee, and cacao nib. The swallow brings notes of burnt toast, black cherry, cacao nib, caramel, leafy hops, tobacco, molasses, red grape, and baked apple

A medium body pairs with gentle tingling carbonation, resulting in a slick beer. Finishes mostly dry with a balanced bitterness

More than the sum of its parts honestly. It’s just a very well done RIS
Feb 11, 2024
Rated: 4.17 by EdFed from Illinois

Feb 05, 2024
Rated: 4.38 by rolltide from Pennsylvania

Jan 01, 2024
Rated: 4.02 by Silke_Neryn from Sweden

Dec 27, 2023
Rated: 4.27 by Monkeyknife from Missouri

Dec 09, 2023
Photo of beerbully
Reviewed by beerbully from New Jersey

4.21/5  rDev -0.5%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.25
L- Black, opaque....1 finger mocha head with great retention.....lacing is thick and sticky

S-Roasty and bitter......chocolate.....coffee grounds

T-Similar to the nose....dark chocolate, not as bitter as the nose would suggest.....

F- Thick and creamy.....low carb.....

O- Thick enjoyable beer....bittersweet.....tastes like an RIS
Dec 02, 2023
Rated: 4.06 by lsudduth from Ohio

Nov 28, 2023
Photo of LiquidAmber
Reviewed by LiquidAmber from Washington

4.39/5  rDev +3.8%
look: 4 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.5
Poured into a Fremont small snifter. Pours a very dark mahogany brown, appearing opaque in the glass with a quarter finger, milk chocolate head that dissipates to patches with light lacing. Aroma of dark toasted malt, coffee, molasses, graham crackers and cocoa. Flavor is dark toasted malt with moderate char, full bodied coffee, bakers chocolate and light licorice. Smoky chocolate and coffee finish. Medium bodied with light to moderate creaminess. I've had the bigger version of this (T.O.R.I.S.) and enjoyed everything I've tried so far. This is a fine RIS with great flavor depth, nice smoky char and great coffee and chocolate. If this was available in my area, it would join other fine stouts in rotation. These guys know how to brew a stout.
Nov 14, 2023
Photo of Scotchboy
Reviewed by Scotchboy from Idaho

4.12/5  rDev -2.6%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5
12oz can pours out like used motor oil at midnight; thick and viscous with a fluffy brown head. Roasty and complex nose and palate, with lots of dark, roasted malt, coffee, oatmeal, rich licorice, some molasses. Really good stuff all around.
Nov 07, 2023
Rated: 4.1 by smithj4 from New York

Nov 07, 2023
Rated: 4.25 by KT3418 from Colorado

Nov 03, 2023
Rated: 4.17 by Giggy from Michigan

Sep 22, 2023
Photo of CruzinCooler
Rated by CruzinCooler from New Jersey

4.35/5  rDev +2.8%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5
Love it
Sep 10, 2023
Rated: 4.17 by not2quick from Missouri

Jan 14, 2023
Rated: 4.37 by Mxsluis from Michigan

Dec 01, 2022