Saison Athene (Citra Dry Hopped)
Saint Somewhere Brewing Company

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Saint Somewhere Brewing Company
Florida, United States
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4.34 | pDev: 9.68%
Aug 26, 2012
Sep 16, 2011
No description / notes.
Recent ratings and reviews.
Photo of JayQue
Reviewed by JayQue from Virginia

3.97/5  rDev -8.5%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Purchased at Superior Market in Sunnyside NY. Corked and caged green bottle. Poured into a pint glass. A hazy dull dark gold color with a quick fading delicately bubbly white head.

Strong spicy and tart citrus aroma, not much funk or lemon zest. The aroma gets your attention in a hurry. Nice.

Tastes good. The spices and citrus are predominant. A little hops bite. The saison yeasty funk is more present in the taste than the aroma. Dry, tart aspect to the beer as well. The flavors are strong. There might even be some grains of paradise in the spice mix. This is great with food.

Mouthfeel is rich. The spices, tartness and slight hoppiness feel good on the tongue.

Not a typical saison, but still a very interesting take on the style.
Aug 26, 2012
Photo of One2Remeber
Reviewed by One2Remeber from Florida

4.12/5  rDev -5.1%
look: 4 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Poured into a pint glass

A: Extremely thin, bubbly head quickly fades away. Looks like an orange cream soda. Def unfiltered, not really hazy just cloudy.

S: Herbal hop aroma with a dominant bacteria (sour) yeast characteristic jumping out of the glass. Zesty spice undertones. Fruity smell like a banana/strawberry milkshake.

T: Taste just like the smell just a lot smoother then expected. Backlash of Belgian yeast like banana/clove. Carbonation reminds more of soda then beer.

M: Immediately bubbly which carries throughout entire drinking experience. Not as sour as I expected usually the sours burn all the way down.

O: Reminds me of a Magic Hat Circus Boy and Ommegang Hennepin mixed together with a touch of sour. Drinkability is 10/10 but not the most flavorful I've encountered for saisons, still way above average. Very unique.
Nov 20, 2011
Photo of CampusCrew
Reviewed by CampusCrew from Florida

4.92/5  rDev +13.4%
look: 4.5 | smell: 5 | taste: 5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 5
I had this at the Kickbacks Cigar City/St Somewhere dinner. I'm reviewing this by memory on this I had this at the Kickbacks Cigar City/St Somewhere dinner. I have had most of CC's regular beers but I have not tried this yet. This is the best beer they have and one of my favorites of the night. saying alot compared with CC. same recipe but with tons of sitrus hoppy flavors. I want to drink this again please.
Sep 16, 2011
Saison Athene (Citra Dry Hopped) from Saint Somewhere Brewing Company
Beer rating: 4.34 out of 5 with 3 ratings