Underbite IPA
Old Forge Brewing Company

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Old Forge Brewing Company
Pennsylvania, United States
English IPA
3.45 | pDev: 8.41%
Oct 21, 2017
Dec 20, 2008
No description / notes.
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Ratings by jmdrpi:
Photo of jmdrpi
Reviewed by jmdrpi from Pennsylvania

3.58/5  rDev +3.8%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.25 | overall: 3.5
on draft, in a shaker pint glass

clear, copper colored, white head. aroma is mild - fruity hop, biscuity malt. taste is bitter, but not much hop flavor. thinner bodied.
Mar 15, 2015
More User Ratings:
Rated: 3.37 by chicagoish from Pennsylvania

Oct 21, 2017
Rated: 3.37 by MKrauss from Pennsylvania

Apr 19, 2015
Rated: 3.5 by yergermeister from Pennsylvania

Mar 04, 2015
Rated: 4 by DrDietz from Pennsylvania

Sep 14, 2014
Rated: 3.75 by dbaraniak from Pennsylvania

Aug 25, 2014
Rated: 3 by Lance_Maguire from California

Jul 20, 2014
Rated: 2.75 by themanilow from West Virginia

Apr 26, 2014
Rated: 3.75 by ColdWaffles from Pennsylvania

Feb 03, 2014
Rated: 3.5 by brheuer from New Jersey

Mar 25, 2013
Rated: 3.5 by rolltide8425 from Pennsylvania

Jan 29, 2013
Rated: 3 by jaybags from Michigan

Aug 30, 2012
Rated: 3.75 by TimoP from Pennsylvania

Aug 16, 2012
Photo of stakem
Reviewed by stakem from Pennsylvania

3.58/5  rDev +3.8%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5
Draft offering at Old Forge. The brew appears a cloudy copper with an off-white creamy finget of head. As the cap fades, a wall of lace sticks to the glass with a finger-like stringy pattern.

The aroma is fruity and herbal as expected from the hop inclusion. Some toasty grain lies underneath that mixes with a scent of cheese and rindy pulp character.

The taste is fruity with citrus and pulp in the foreground. Caramel sweetness contrasts the hops keeping it from getting too bitter. A yeasty finish brings out some elements of earth and more aggressive bitterness lasts long into the aftertaste.

This is a medium bodied brew with almosy a creamy feel to it despite a modest to lower level of carbonation. It isnt the best of ipas but it isnt bad either. Worth a try.
Aug 08, 2012
Photo of gestyr
Reviewed by gestyr from Pennsylvania

3.5/5  rDev +1.4%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Poured from a growler into a pint glass.

A: Pours a hazy copper color with a thick fluffy beige head that has staying power and leaves lacing around the glass.

S:Very subtle. Some grainy malt. slight hints of citrus hops, slight bit of caramel, toffee. Slightly minty.

T: The hops shine through. Sweet with a nice hoppy aftertaste. Caramel and toffee are there in the background.

M: Nice, medium body. You can feel the carbonation without the bite.

O: I feel this is a good example of an English IPA. I will buy again.
Dec 30, 2011
Photo of akorsak
Reviewed by akorsak from Pennsylvania

3.33/5  rDev -3.5%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
A pint glass at the brewpub.

A: The EIPA is coppery, a translucent orange-red color that falls somewhere on the spectrum of a penny. A finger of white head came with the glass and laced in layers as I worked my way through it.

S: The nose is plenty toffee, a sweet malty scent that has a ringwood aspects. The hops, for being an IPA varietal, are nicely restrained.

T: The first sip screams 'England'. The ringwood-like sweetness permeates the ale, a sweet flavor that accentuates toffee notes. The overall sweetness tends to gloss over the hops.

M: The toffee mouthfeel, sweet as it is, loses the hops. The malt body, along with the yeast, is sweet and bready.

D: A decent EIPA, plenty of toffee flavors running around. That sweet yeasty flavor overruns too much of the ale.
Sep 25, 2010
Photo of sholland119
Reviewed by sholland119 from Pennsylvania

3.36/5  rDev -2.6%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 3
On tap at the brewpub.

A-Pours a clear copper with a thin white head and nice lacing.

S-A mild graininess with little hop aroma.

T-Some nice citrus hops but overall the flavor is too sour. Some sweet malt balance would have been nice.

M-Medium bodied and a bit dry.

D-Decent overall. Not one of Olde Forge's best, for me.

Aug 04, 2009
Photo of ffejherb
Reviewed by ffejherb from Pennsylvania

3.53/5  rDev +2.3%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
On tap at Old Forge on 3/14/09.

A - Poured a hazy, modestly carbonated orange copper-colored body with one-finger off-white head that diminished into a patchy veil and produced some decent lacing around the glass.

S - Fleshy fruity hops paired with sweet caramel malt. Some citrus notes are also present, as well as a slight waft of alcohol. Not too pungent in the hop department overall.

T - Not overly hoppy for an IPA, but well-balanced enough in flavor, with sweet caramel malt and toffee notes comprising much of the flavor profile. Hops are mild with a fruity and citrusy character, followed by some perfumy notes in the finish.

M - Medium body with a syrupy texture and moderate carbonation with a slight poppy feel on the palate. Bitterness is subtle overall and hops don't really linger for too long.

D - Pretty good IPA overall, but a bit on the malty side. Could benefit from a beefed up hop presence, but still pretty tasty.
Mar 15, 2009