Founder's Stout
Mishawaka Brewing Company

Founder's StoutFounder's Stout
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Mishawaka Brewing Company
Indiana, United States
Irish Dry Stout
3.82 | pDev: 9.69%
Dec 04, 2012
Aug 09, 2002
No description / notes.
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Ratings by aforbes10:
Photo of aforbes10
Reviewed by aforbes10 from Iowa

4.32/5  rDev +13.1%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5
Bought a bottle of this yesterday at a Belmont Beverage because my wife's away and i was bored. had other beers from mishawaka and i've only really liked their IPA so not too excited about this but i thought id give it a shot. looked ok. smallish head and more watery looking than i expected. roasty chocolate odor. Pretty darn tasty beer though. bitter, sweet choco coffee taste, not as thin in the mouth as it looked. dry, sweet hops on the finish, and a bit of a sugary coffee ground taste too. i think this might be my favorite from MBC now. and i didnt even have it on draft.
Mar 15, 2006
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Photo of JamesS
Reviewed by JamesS from Indiana

4.28/5  rDev +12%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 5
Pours a great deep brown/black with very nice semi-tan head and excellent lacing throughout. Very nice scent, deep roasted grains and a lot of coffee in the nose. Very nice flavor, with great roasted grains, a nice hit of coffee, and some nice chocolate undertones. Goes down quite smoothly, very dry. Excellent stout.
Jan 28, 2011
Photo of alleykatking
Reviewed by alleykatking from Indiana

3.18/5  rDev -16.8%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
On tap at the Pub.

A- Darker brown color. Half finger off white head shows light retention. Light ringing sheets of lacing when I drink this one down.

S- The aroma is very muted. I never understood this as their draft products have no real aroma but their bottles always seem to have a lot more. Some light roasted malts. Hints of darker fruit, brown sugar, and coffee. Nothing really else in this but I didn't really bury my nose into the beer as well.

T- Flavor kind of follows the aroma in the muted quality. Light roasted malts come and play for a short second. There is a very light darker fruit presence along with brown sugar hints. Coffee also comes out to play but even this is muted. The alcohol makes a quick play toward the ending but fades as quick as the other flavors.

M- Light mouthfeel. Carbonation is light for the style. Light roasted malts left on the palate. Same goes with the aftertaste with a quickly fading alcohol. Light alcohol drying on the palate. Off flavors were none to be found. Flavors were muted but I suppose right on and balance for this brewery's style.

D- This beer is sadly the best thing they make. I shouldn't say sadly as this is a above average drinker. The lower ABV makes it easy to drink along with the watery at times feeling in the mouth.
Jan 11, 2011
Photo of TMoney2591
Reviewed by TMoney2591 from Illinois

3.27/5  rDev -14.4%
look: 3 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Served in the venerable Devil's Backbone willibecher.

Okay, I'm pretty sure this the last of the post-DLD death march haul. Wow. How did I have any money/trunk space left? This survivor pours an opaque, very dark brown topped by a wisp of bubbles standing in for a real head. The nose comprises figs, roasted malts, suede, coffee, and brown sugar. The taste is heavy on the blunt, watered-down coffee, with some roasted malts, brown sugar, and leather thrown in as well. The body is a solid medium, with a light carbonation and a relatively smooth feel. Overall, a decent stout, but kinda thin and weak for me. Worth a shot, though.
Jul 31, 2010
Photo of Bung
Reviewed by Bung from Michigan

4.2/5  rDev +9.9%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 5
22 oz. Very dark brown pour, for the bubbles inside the beer not a very large off white head. Neatly sticks to the glass a bit.

Aroma is some malt, cocoa and roast coffee/malt.

Taste matches nicely. Slight roast, malt, caramel and dry cocoa. Finishes nice and dry with just a bit of hop and coffee.

Creamy mouthfeel even though there appeared to be quite a lot of carbonation. Pretty light body for a stout though. Real drinkable, real nice brew. First I've had from them would seek out others.
May 29, 2010
Photo of Brettster
Reviewed by Brettster from Indiana

3.86/5  rDev +1%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5
Got this in an Craft Indiana Sampler twelve pack. Pours a pitch black with just a short tan bubbly head that fades very fast to just a lacing around the rim of the glass. Not very thick. The aroma brings out some chocolate malt and a little coffee. Kind of a tangy coffee flavor in the front with a nice subtle hop finish. Pretty smooth and silky mouthfeel. A lighter bodied stout which adds to the drinkability of this stout. There are some pretty good brews popping up in Indiana and this is one of them. I will seek this one out again.
Apr 24, 2010
Photo of a10t2
Reviewed by a10t2 from Colorado

4.34/5  rDev +13.6%
look: 4 | smell: 5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5
12 oz bottle poured into a standard pint glass.

A: Jet black, some light gets through around the rim of the glass, showing a beautiful ruby color. Wisps of tan head that dissipate quickly, but some light lacing.

S: Coffee notes are right up front, with chocolate and caramel and a little bit of a nutty character, even some smoke. Not what I'd expect from an Irish Stout, but I can't keep my nose out of this, it's that good.

T: Lighter in flavor than the aroma would suggest, chocolate is again apparent, fading into the roasty/coffee tones toward the end and in the aftertaste. A very lightly buttery (diacetyl?) flavor, but in balance and not at all unpleasant.

M: Maybe a little undercarbonated for the style, but I'll forever compare any Irish Stout to Guinness, and this isn't nitrogenated. Very smooth, even a little slick from the diacetyl, and light going down. A tiny hint of alcohol burn hints that this is probably higher-gravity that what you'd expect.

D: In a word, fantastic. I got two bottles from a friend who visited the brewery and ended up drinking both in one night.
Apr 14, 2009
Photo of roadhouse
Reviewed by roadhouse from Florida

3.23/5  rDev -15.4%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3
Poured from a 12 oz. bottle into a pint glass.

Appears an opaque black with a slight red highlight at the bottom of the glass. Massively thick creamy head of more than three inches. I couldn't even get the whole bottle in. Waited a few minutes and it went down a bit so I poured the rest in and it looks like meringue over an inch higher than the rim of the glass. Leaves some lace behind.

Aroma is saying chocolate the most to me but not much else aside from vague roastiness.

Taste is kind of fruity and tart up front, not expected at all. Then it dries up and coffee-like bitterness comes out.

Mouthfeel is pretty light, fairly high carbonation.

This one was very odd to say the least. It almost tastes sour at first. Perhaps it's become a wild stout?
Oct 02, 2008
Photo of therica
Reviewed by therica from Maryland

3.5/5  rDev -8.4%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
On-tap at the brew-pub.

Nice appearance but a little glassy.

Smell is nice but not overly strong, yet lots of evident testimony to the beer's contents-- chocolate, licorice, hops, slight musty scent.

Taste is overall a nice blend but rather weak, as seems typical with our experiences in their other darker-beers. Caramel, roasted malts, florals, slight hops-flatness on the tongue.

Drinkable, probably great if you're mostly eating and just having this along with the meal and are less focused on the beer's traits.
Jul 29, 2008
Photo of bluejacket74
Reviewed by bluejacket74 from Ohio

3.88/5  rDev +1.6%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
22 ounce bottle. Served in a pint glass, the beer pours very dark brown/black with an inch and a half tan head. Head retention and lacing are both good. It smells like roasted malt, coffee and chocolate. The aroma is nice, but a little bit weak. Taste is similar to the aroma, but there's also some noticable hoppiness in there too. Good bitter aftertaste. Mouthfeel/body is medium, it's creamy and has average carbonation. Drinkability is good too, it's nice and smooth. Overall I think this is a good brew. I'd buy it again.
May 26, 2008
Photo of tpd975
Reviewed by tpd975 from Florida

3.7/5  rDev -3.1%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Going into Mishawaka Brewing this was the beer I was looking forward to.

A: Dark black with a small tan Guinness lily pad type head. No real bubbles and no lacing.

S: Burnt malt, coffee, and chocolate. Ho Hum.

T: Nice and mild stout. Some chocolate and coffee taste but no real flavor explosion. Creamy yet dry. Not a bad brew.

M: Creamy start, with a dry finish and a bit of bite.

D: It was light enough to put down several without settling like concrete in the stomach.

Overall: An okay brew. I have had many better stouts from small micro brewers all over America and Canada. If you like middle of the road dry Irish stout's like Guinness you would like this one. Me on the other hand. I want big and bold. Bring on the true micro’s.
Aug 26, 2007
Photo of mdm46410
Reviewed by mdm46410 from Indiana

3.73/5  rDev -2.4%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Poured from a 12oz bottle into a pint glass. This stout poured a deep opaque black color with a big dark tan head. The aroma was made up of dark roasted malts, a touch of light pine, and also some chocolate. The flavor was chocolate, coffee, roasted malts, followed up by a light bitter finish. An excellent, surprisingly big flavor for a dry stout. The mouthfeel is full-bodied with a bit of noticable carbonation. Very well done. The best brew I have had from Mishawaka.
Jun 30, 2007
Photo of jpkoch1962
Reviewed by jpkoch1962 from Indiana

4.08/5  rDev +6.8%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4
Pours a deep ebony with a compact, dense brown head. The aroma had a nice complex touch to it; plenty of roasted coffee, caramel and a hint of chocalate -reminiscent of a thick porter. Very complex and smooth for a Stout, but the roasted malts still pleseantly dominate. This brew I read won a Gold Medal many moons ago - I can see why.
Apr 10, 2007
Photo of BeerBelcher
Reviewed by BeerBelcher from Ohio

3.64/5  rDev -4.7%
look: 4.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
I had lunch at Mishawaka during my holiday travels.

This beer poured an opaque black with an exceedingly abundant head. This beer seeped out of the tap and it took a few minutes to fill my UK-pint glass.

Aroma was a faint chocolate-malt smell.

Taste is very dry, and also pretty good. It is a strong coffee taste with a lingering bitterness.

Mouthfeel is heavy and somewhat astringent, due to the dryness of this beer.

Definitely recommended.
Dec 30, 2006
Photo of shivtim
Reviewed by shivtim from Georgia

3.48/5  rDev -8.9%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
A nice deep opaque brown/black, with a thin tan head. Smells of roasted malts and sweet chocolate. Taste is heavy on roasted malts, but not much else. Pretty good though. Mouthfeel is average. Drinkability is decent too. Overall a solid brew from MBC.
Dec 26, 2006
Photo of kmpitz2
Reviewed by kmpitz2 from Tennessee

4.3/5  rDev +12.6%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5
12 oz bottle. This one is black as pitch, with a small tan head that falls to a full coat over the brew. A few stray bubbles can be seen in the brew, but it is mostly still. This is a deep, dark brew. The aroma is all about choclate and marshmellow, vanilla creamyness reminding me of lactose. This one smells really nice, but it reminds me of a dry stout or sweet stout more than an American Stout...and if one reads the label, it says it is a dry Irish-style stout. The flavor brings a nice hit of roasted malt, almost a bit ashy. Behind this is a mild bitterness to the finish. There is also a more researved lactose-esque creamy vanilla sweetness in there as well. The bitter on the finish hangs on just long enough to draw me back. This is a nice brew. The mouthfeel is thick with a lighter carbonation that enhances the thickness of the brew, with a slight drying quality to it as it pulls some moisture from my tongue. This is a damn nice brew. I am happy to find this one from this brewery. I had been under-impressed with their other offerings, but this one really shines.
Nov 01, 2006
Photo of dirtylou
Reviewed by dirtylou from Oklahoma

3.96/5  rDev +3.7%
look: 4.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4
22oz bomber, obtained last weekend in South Bend...i think from belmont beverage for like 3 bucks

appearance: This beer has great presentation, as it always the brewery it takes about 2 minutes to pour a pint due to the massive amount of head...pours into an imperial pint glass, body is near black with a huge fluffy chocolate head...nice retention and great lacing

smell: dry cocoa powder aromas, roasted malt, light bitterness...bakers chocolate, light roast coffee...faint but pretty good

taste: This is undoubtedly the best of mishawaka's staples...big roasted malt body, bakers chocolate, dry cocoa powder...nice sweetness provided with a light bitterness level. nice coffee kick, milky, mild but sweet hops...bravo mishawaka, a great american stout

mouthfeel: creamy and silky smooth

drinkability: high
Oct 28, 2006
Photo of tjthresh
Reviewed by tjthresh from Indiana

3.3/5  rDev -13.6%
look: 5 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
This beer features a light roast aroma. I would like them to ramp this up a touch more. Pours pitch black with light brown creamy head. Dark chocolate and esspresso notes are the overriding flavors, and finishes with a very nice roast and hop bitterness. Medium to light body. Brewery’s most popular for good reason.
Aug 23, 2005
Photo of frank4sail
Reviewed by frank4sail from New Jersey

4.03/5  rDev +5.5%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Deep rich dark color. Lasting beige head and lace on the pint glass. Smooth full mouth. Taste of roast husk and sweet licorice. Also the finish does have a coffee bitterness to the tongue. Very good dry stout.
Oct 21, 2002