Lord Wimsey's
Baying Hound Aleworks

Lord Wimsey'sLord Wimsey's
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Baying Hound Aleworks
Maryland, United States
American Pale Ale
2.88 | pDev: 32.99%
Nov 30, 2015
Apr 14, 2011
Brewed for people who don’t want a hop bomb. Brewed to have a gentle balance, not quite a session, but damn close. This beer is brewed with only the finest crystal and other specialty malts and hops. Tied for first in the Washingtonian Magazine’s July 2010 “Best Of” Issue.
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Photo of ShanePB
Reviewed by ShanePB from Pennsylvania

2.16/5  rDev -25%
look: 3 | smell: 2 | taste: 2 | feel: 3 | overall: 2
22 oz bottle. Deep brown/mahogany colored body with a slightly off-white head. Aromas of stale malts, old hops and pine. Flavor is bitter, metal, malt and more stale tasting hops. I don't know if this bottle was old or if this beer just sucks on its own, but it was a giant mess; sort of like the phase Miley Cyrus is going through now.
Nov 30, 2015
Rated: 3 by stomioka from New Jersey

Nov 13, 2014
Rated: 3 by wrightst from Maryland

Jun 10, 2014
Rated: 1.25 by Guden from Maryland

Feb 22, 2014
Photo of KYGunner
Reviewed by KYGunner from Kentucky

2.93/5  rDev +1.7%
look: 3.75 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
This pored with a cloudy, murky and dark apricot like coloring with a big thick head that ebbed every slowly to thin collar.

The nose was quite boozy, even though it's relatively low in ABV. There are notes of piney bitter hops but no malt at all.

The flavors were high on the pine and bitterness. The taste is redeemed by a sweet honey that off sets the piney, bitter hop character.

The feel is highly carbonated, bitter and slightly astringent but drinkable.
Dec 03, 2013
Rated: 1 by ygtbsm94 from Utah

Jul 18, 2013
Rated: 3 by Boone757 from Virginia

Jul 12, 2013
Rated: 3.25 by dexterk1 from Illinois

Jun 30, 2013
Rated: 2.75 by potownbill from New York

Apr 12, 2013
Rated: 3 by bigred89 from Maryland

Jan 12, 2013
Rated: 3.5 by dunix from Vermont

Oct 29, 2012
Rated: 3.5 by AndrewMichael from Virginia

Sep 29, 2012
Rated: 4 by GaryMarkle84 from Virginia

Sep 23, 2012
Photo of bubseymour
Reviewed by bubseymour from Maryland

2.73/5  rDev -5.2%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 1.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 2.5
Appearance - now this is the way a Pale Ale should look. Rich orange brown hue with 2 finger frothy head and lots of carbonation going on. Excellent retention and lacing as well.

Smell - lots of spicy yeast on the nose

Taste - Odd flavor. Not really sure I like it much. Very metallic and weird bitter finish (not a typical hop bitterness either). Bitter metallic taste lingers long as well. Not good.

Mouthfeel - full bodied.

Overall - This beer is just not good tasting at all, yet all the other qualities are good. I'm actually going to have to drain pour this one.
Mar 30, 2012
Photo of perrylange
Reviewed by perrylange from Virginia

3.2/5  rDev +11.1%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3
Appearance: frothy, four finger head. Deep copper color and cloudy

Smell: yeasty, banana notes

taste: more like a belgian pale ale than I expected. bananas, with some spice in the finish and mild bitterness.

Mouthfeel: light, perhaps a little under carbonated

Overall a solid effort that I would buy again. The "mild pale ale" description is a little confusing. If I had my heart set on an APA I might have been disappointed. Accepted on it's own terms, it's very enjoyable. It matched well with a spicy Thai soup.
Jan 23, 2012
Photo of akorsak
Reviewed by akorsak from Pennsylvania

2.85/5  rDev -1%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 2.5
A 650 mL bomber from the Wine Source. In a tumbler.

A: That's a hell of a lot of head. Over 6 fingers, seriously. Not to mention the bottle slowly fizzled, climbing up the neck before slowly oozing down the sides. A thick tan-hued lacing follows, all around the mouth of the glass. The pale ale isn't really pale, looking more like a barleywine with its orange-brown muted brightness. I'd call it an amber or brown before a pale ale, despite what the label says.

S: Pleasantly spicy, the hops drive a nice bargain with plenty of citrus dripping. Caramel is underneath, a fuller nose than the pale ale should have.

T: The caramel malts are syrupy, cutting through the the hops periodically. Carbonation, as expected, is ample with a funny aftertaste that gets absorbed by the hops. Those hops are citrusy but fall into that same aftertaste. I'd call it a homebrew aftertaste, taking me way back to FTB's homebrew days. I like the maltiness, but the finish doesn't quite hold up.

M: The mouthfeel combines caramel with the citrus hops and the vegetal finish, too overpowering for me.
Jan 07, 2012
Photo of BeerGeeuzzler
Reviewed by BeerGeeuzzler from Maryland

4.34/5  rDev +50.7%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4
First taste was from a bottle, second on tap (You gotta see this place. It's like a super home brew establishment).
Orangy/copper color with a huge head.
Taste: Better than what I expected from a "Mild Pale Ale".
Great hop aromas set off with a good foundation of malts.
Worth repeats (tho I am a fan of scraping hop resin off my teeth :^)
Dec 09, 2011
Photo of jlindros
Reviewed by jlindros from Massachusetts

2.7/5  rDev -6.2%
look: 3 | smell: 3 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 2.5
After popping the cap the beer starts rising up the neck, like an infection or over carbonation, it rises in the glass to about 3 fingers and seeming like it would never stop rising, big bubbly fizzy head that implodes from within rather than fading, with a touch of lacing, over hazy murky copper orange colored beer.

Nose has very little, touch of grassy hops I think, touch of light malts, touch of saison like Belgian yeast aroma with spices?!, a bit of sweet malts and molasses like sugar.

Taste is half carbonation and foam, then dirty earthy grassy flavor with a bit of infection taste, hint of sweet malts and almost candi like sugar flavor. Then bitterness kicks in, fairly bitter with spicy chewy hops, earthy, with more wild infection like flavors coming in waves. Finishes drier with lots more bubbles and gets quite astringent and bitter, more infection like flavors, just not good.

Mouth is med bodied, waaaay too much carbonation.

Overall not good at all, even if it wasn't infected it wouldn't be good, way too astringent, weird yeast flavors, malts don't blend well, hops are way out of balance and barely any actual hop flavor just bitterness. Even after pouring half the bottle into the glass and letting it sit, it continued to rise foam out of the bottle and over the top, from halfway down the bottle!
Nov 13, 2011
Photo of jjboesen
Reviewed by jjboesen from Maryland

3.16/5  rDev +9.7%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
The name of this beer refers to either the fictiotional British dectective or an old hound dog like Duke from Beverly Hillbillies fame. The beer is made by a nanobrewery located in a dreary industrial park a mile north of the Rockville (Maryland) Metro station - outside of Washington, DC.

I was certainly glad to see a brave soul facing the draconic liquor laws of Montgomery County and open a brewery. Of course, as a loyal Beer Advoate, I have always tried to support the local brewers.

Unfortunately - and it pains me so - the beers are not very good (yet); I will give him time, and a tip of the hat for trying. In the case of Lord Wimsey, well ....

The initial pour fills the glass with foam that slooowly sinks into a light amber body. After some five minutes or so, but who's counting, the glass rim is ensconced in a rubbery film of sticky lacing.

The nose sniffs out, much like the hound dog, a few dribs of apple along with a few drabs of pine nut. Down below, at the palate, there is a mild shot of hop that fades quickly.

This is an obvious session, but for what reason?

Despite this reveiw - and, to be honest, It's not like the beer was bad; it was simply mediocre. I would not return if the beer were truly bad; however, the mediocre ones just remind me that this is a brewer who still needs support from the thirsty locals.
Nov 06, 2011
Photo of bum732
Reviewed by bum732 from Lesotho

1/5  rDev -65.3%
look: 1 | smell: 1 | taste: 1 | feel: 1 | overall: 1
S: Big plastic phenols, you gotta be kidding me. Mostly burnt plastic and rotting vegetables, exactly what i want in a pale ale.

L: Murky orangish brown, huge carbonated head that dissipates.

T: Sour burning plastic. I'm done.

M: Infected, overcarbonated, thin nightmare.

Yeah, this is the 3rd beer i've had from this brewery and i'm just speechless. These beers make bad homebrew taste like Westy 12. How can a brewery actually release this shit? Do they not have quality control? Even so, the other beer i had that was not infected (the stout) was just plain awful.

Taking a cue from Overlord, i will do my best to unleash the wrath of these beers on the beer public. If you trade with me, be warned, this stain on the earth just might be included as an extra.
Oct 04, 2011