Imperial Biscotti Break
Evil Twin Brewing

Imperial Biscotti BreakImperial Biscotti Break
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Evil Twin Brewing
New York, United States
American Imperial Stout
Ranked #411
Ranked #844
4.34 | pDev: 8.53%
Jan 20, 2024
Apr 12, 2012
The Roman Empire had a certain "je ne sais quoi" - festive food culture, extravagant architecture, and spectacular live entertainment. Some might argue the Emperors were brutal, mad, and hungry for power, and the people vain when taking baths and working out all day. Listen - that's still all part of the secret Imperial ingredient - keep it cool, clean, confident, arrogant, and flamboyant. Forza Imperiale.
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Ratings by WhiteHillsStore:
Photo of WhiteHillsStore
Reviewed by WhiteHillsStore from Connecticut

4.61/5  rDev +6.2%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.75 | feel: 4.75 | overall: 4.5
Pours a lovely dark brown, almost black with a dark tan head that trails the glass as you drink. Can not see through it. The smell was heavy with brown sugar and coffee and chocolate, very appetizing. The taste was heavy on coffee with the biscotti and toffee flavors coming after. Surprisingly not overly sweet though. Really enjoyed this one and will definitely grab again.
Jun 27, 2015
More User Ratings:
Rated: 3.76 by bschmidt_37 from Illinois

Jan 20, 2024
Photo of Radome
Reviewed by Radome from Florida

4.21/5  rDev -3%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.25
Poured from a 1 pint can that I bought in Ohio.

L - Pitch black and oily-looking going into the glass. No light can get through the glass. Head is moderately thick and foamy initially, with a medium brown color. It maintains a thin sheet and heavy lacing, all made of teeny-tiny bubbles.

S - The usual imperial stout aromas of coffee, dark chocolate and burnt grains are here. There is also a nutty note and some vanilla, especially as the beer warms. The aromas are a bit restrained, without the massive, room-filling assertiveness of some examples.

T - The flavors are also fairly conventional for the style (which is to say they are delicious)--espresso, burnt grain, molasses, light prunes and a bit of smoke. Layered onto them are some vanilla and hazelnut notes.

F - Medium to heavy body with low, creamy carbonation. Strong hops bitterness combines with the acrid roasted grains, but they are smoothed out by the heavy, sweet-ish malt. Moderate alcohol presence, especially considering the 11.5% ABV.

O - This is a very nice imperial stout, but I expected more from the description on the can. Almond and vanilla are very subtle, and I don't get any biscuit or cookie character to go along with the Biscotti name. It's just not as interesting to me as the super-high BA rating led me to expect.
Oct 09, 2023
Rated: 4.25 by BeerLover99 from Illinois

Jul 10, 2023
Photo of Perchy-McBride
Rated by Perchy-McBride from Antarctica

3.25/5  rDev -25.1%
look: 3.25 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.25
Bit of an oj Simpson for me, dark and bitter
Jul 09, 2023
Rated: 4.04 by blissfulNemo from Michigan

Jun 02, 2023
Photo of Papercut4
Reviewed by Papercut4 from Wisconsin

4.53/5  rDev +4.4%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.75 | overall: 4.5
Pours out of the can a midnight black-brown, no light passes through it. A nice 2 fingers of tan head with great retention. Smells of cocoa, coffee, and roasty malts. Taste follows the nose fairly well with the coffee being the predominant flavor and the rich mouth feel is like velvet. The beer has a perfect carbonation for the style that achieves this sensation. I'm really glad I bought a four pack!
Mar 18, 2023
Photo of JohnniEMc
Reviewed by JohnniEMc from Pennsylvania

4.43/5  rDev +2.1%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 5 | overall: 4.5
In this rendition, it's a pint can emptied into a clear Imperial pint glass. The entire contents fit almost perfectly, as there's no extraordinary foam, just a modest and enduring dark biege head. The color of the liquid is the standard black coffee brown, no more, no less. Although the aroma is less than pungent, there is some roasted barley to be had, but the almond and vanilla additions just don't impress the nose. But, what a wonderful drink! There's the sweet malt of a great stout upfront, delivered within an incredibly rich body. Now the nuances: There's coffee, but it's not overly bitter, nor the dominating taste it can be, even in good coffee stouts. The vanilla only slightly sweetens the brew, but contributes as an extra layer, not a major taste emphasis. Almond inclusion adds body and another taste layer, without changing the overall and likely adds even more body to a brew certainly not lacking thereof. It's hard pressed to find a richer bodied stout than this one. Maybe there's not great glass lacing, but other than that, this is one of the best 10+% ABV brews out there. The alcohol is warming for sure, but not harsh and barely noticeable to taste. This is a great member of its style.
Mar 02, 2023
Photo of Christianriveraaa
Reviewed by Christianriveraaa

4.47/5  rDev +3%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.75 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.5
L: Poured from a pint can into a sniffer - inky jet black pour with a huge head risen. About 3 fingers length to be exact.
S: Getting predominant aromas for vanilla, along side with molasses, slight roasty coffee, chocolate and malt aromas. Not getting much of the almond in this.
T: Getting a complexed mix of vanilla, chocolate, roasty coffee. You can taste the biscuit more so near the after taste of it all. Getting some after tastes of velvet as well. Almost similar to a chili brewed stout after taste to this.
F: Heavy bodied, alcohol hides very well. Sipper but easy to sip. The taste is so smooth and tasty, it reminds me of a stout I had that had chili peppers brewed into it.
O: This is a great stout for the price given. Honestly it's complexed but is very rich and easy to drink. This one I'll be buying again in the near future.
Feb 09, 2023
Photo of WoodBrew
Reviewed by WoodBrew from Ohio

4.46/5  rDev +2.8%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.5
I tried a 10oz glass of this beer off the tapper at Dry Ground Brewing as a guest tap in Paducah, Kentucky. It poured an opaque dark with thin tan head that did not leave much lace. The scent had dark chocolate and gram cracker notes. The taste was nicely balanced and easy to sip. There was dark chocolate roast malt and biscotti cookie presence. The mouthfeel was fuller in body with good carbonation. Overall it is a solid beer.
Jan 02, 2023
Rated: 4.35 by Plaz1989 from Pennsylvania

Jan 02, 2023
Photo of harrypowers
Reviewed by harrypowers from Massachusetts

4.35/5  rDev +0.2%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.25
Pours a dark brown with a small tan cap and light lacing.

Smells of coffee, booze and toasted malt.

Tastes of sweet, toasted malt, bitter coffee and a bit of caramel and vanilla. The finish is slightly bitter and very boozy warm.

This is a powerful, well made, not overly complicated, not too cloy sipper. My first pour from the can was too cold in retrospect. This brew gets better as it warms.

Medium heavy body with light carbonation. Lush and syrupy mouthfeel.
Dec 07, 2022
Rated: 4.47 by FrankCastle from California

Oct 16, 2022
Rated: 4.25 by liquorpig from Massachusetts

Aug 14, 2022
Photo of Braunmeister_1943
Reviewed by Braunmeister_1943 from Pennsylvania

4.58/5  rDev +5.5%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.75 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.5
Really good imperial stout! Pronounced coffee smell and taste, but not overpowering in regard to either. Really nice and balanced vanilla and almond flavor!
Aug 05, 2022
Rated: 4.53 by mattjp03 from Alabama

Jul 31, 2022
Rated: 4.27 by not2quick from Missouri

Jul 13, 2022
Rated: 4.56 by The_Beer_Guru from New York

May 18, 2022
Rated: 4.25 by BuxMontBeerLover from Pennsylvania

Apr 03, 2022
Photo of FrauTotenkinder
Rated by FrauTotenkinder from Missouri

4.75/5  rDev +9.4%
look: 4.75 | smell: 4.75 | taste: 4.75 | feel: 4.75 | overall: 4.75
Seconds after drinking, taste biscotti soaked in coffee. Not too sweet, all features fit stout profile. Excellent.
Mar 26, 2022