Cuvee Series Two (Oak Aged Series)
Southern Tier Brewing Company

Cuvee Series Two (Oak Aged Series)Cuvee Series Two (Oak Aged Series)
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Southern Tier Brewing Company
New York, United States
American Strong Ale
3.85 | pDev: 12.99%
May 03, 2023
Jul 15, 2008
No description / notes.
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Ratings by riemster:
Photo of riemster
Rated by riemster from Ohio

4/5  rDev +3.9%

Jan 14, 2014
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Photo of brewandbbq
Reviewed by brewandbbq from New Hampshire

4.21/5  rDev +9.4%
look: 4 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.25
22oz bottle from 2008.

Pours clear mahogany with a short-lived head of white. Minimal retention or lacing. Booze-drizzled dried fruit in the nose. Apples, figs, brandy. Medium bodied with a tacky, syrupy mouthfeel. Caramel, raisins, figs, brown sugar, booze. Finishes a bit sweet with some throat warmth.
May 03, 2023
Photo of sulldaddy
Reviewed by sulldaddy from Connecticut

4.09/5  rDev +6.2%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 4
Pouring a cellar temp 22 oz bottle into my snifter. the beer pours a clear rich mahogany color with deep garnet highlights. A dense creamy head of 1 cm foams up with a light khaki color and remains as a strong edge layer and wispy central surface throughout the sampling.
the aroma is some toffee and brown sugar mixing with a bit of vanilla and general creamy flavor. Not any hop presence that I detect and the booze is pretty well hidden too.
First sip reveals a medium body with very fine rolling carbonation and a bit of a slick texture.
Flavor is similar to the nose with a little more dark fruit. But toffee and caramel dominate with hints of plum. No hops again here either. I do get a little bit of a chocolate note but its mild. Generally a pretty sweet flavor profile. Booze is hidden on flavor but I do get some warming on the swallow and the burps are boozy too.
Overall this is another pretty solid old ale, that isnt oxidized or a blurred mess and seems to have improved over the past 8 years.
One more to go with Series #3 still on my cellar shelf.
Aug 06, 2021
Photo of bminor7
Reviewed by bminor7 from New York

3.79/5  rDev -1.6%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 3.75
Another one from the cellar. This is my oldest bottle and I estimate the vintage at 2008. End of an era.

Pours with no head. Obviously viscous, but mouthfeel is good as there’s some hidden carbonation. Dark fruits, candi, toffee, almost a hint of coffee too. Not too sweet. A malty and somewhat bitter aftertaste but the sensation of the finish is clean and refreshing with a touch of iron.

Almost certainly past its prime but still packs a nice flavor.
Jan 09, 2021
Rated: 3.84 by shoegueuze from California

Sep 10, 2016
Rated: 3.24 by acurtis from New Jersey

Apr 14, 2016
Rated: 3.75 by Hohnbaum from Kansas

Mar 04, 2016
Rated: 3.74 by jaydoc from Kansas

Mar 04, 2016
Photo of Beerdsley419
Reviewed by Beerdsley419 from Ohio

3.73/5  rDev -3.1%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.75
Not sure how old. Poured aggressively from 22oz bottle into snifter.

L - Pours a very beautiful deep red/brown. Thin mocha head, little lacing

S - Smells of prunes/dates/figs, vanilla & oak, slight sweetness to the smell

T - Taste is true to the smell. Fig/dark fruit taste is prevalent, hints of vanilla, can taste the oak throughout. The 10% alcohol is well hidden

F - nice thick body yet lacking the full mouth feel I expected.

This is a solid beer however it was lacking depth and complexity. Not bad for a cheap-ish impulse buy I sat on for a short while.
Jan 16, 2016
Rated: 3.84 by WastingFreetime from Wisconsin

Jan 02, 2016
Rated: 4 by crow from Illinois

Dec 11, 2015
Rated: 3.97 by SaisonRichBiere from Michigan

Nov 05, 2015
Photo of justinp444
Reviewed by justinp444 from Michigan

4.69/5  rDev +21.8%
look: 3.5 | smell: 5 | taste: 4.75 | feel: 4.75 | overall: 4.5
5-6 year old vintage. Small hiss upon opening, poured into a snifter it is a hazy caramel brown just a tiny ring of caramel colored head. Smells of oak, figs, dried fruit, apple, pear, brandy, and caramel with minor malt notes. Taste of dried fruit, brown sugar, oak, caramel, sticky mouth feel, leather, apple, toffee, a bit of coffee, minor minor bitter, lots of honey sweetness. The overall body is thick viscous with a sticky full mouth feel that leaves tons of residual sugar, I drank this too early in the day as it is a true desert beer with a taste similar (and paired well) with bread pudding. Love it.
Jun 19, 2015
Rated: 3.5 by DrBier from Pennsylvania

Apr 15, 2015
Rated: 3.83 by wisrarebeer from Wisconsin

Feb 16, 2015
Photo of bnes09
Reviewed by bnes09 from Illinois

3.76/5  rDev -2.3%
look: 3.25 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.75
Dark, murky brown with minimal head. Rich and malty with subtle oak in aroma and flavor. Lots of dark fruit character. Dense, sticky feel. Low carbonation.
Feb 01, 2015
Photo of donkeyrunner
Reviewed by donkeyrunner from Massachusetts

3.74/5  rDev -2.9%
look: 3 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.5
Found an old review in the archives. Split with The Sage.

Ruby red to belt leather brown color. Sliver of crescent moon retention. Smells like nougat, sherry and oak. Tastes like a nougat and caramel candy bar with vanilla and dark fruit in there too. Still fairly boozey despite being forgotten in the cellar for a long, long time.

Would nice digestif if that weren't a physiological oxymoron.
Jan 27, 2015
Rated: 3.75 by NorthCoastPranqster from Georgia

Dec 05, 2014
Rated: 3.75 by wethorseblanket from California

Nov 03, 2014
Rated: 3.5 by trxxpaxxs from New York

Oct 06, 2014