India Red Ale
Landmark Brewing Company

India Red AleIndia Red Ale
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Landmark Brewing Company
New York, United States
American Amber / Red Ale
3.95 | pDev: 10.63%
Feb 18, 2012
Aug 14, 2004
No description / notes.
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Ratings by NeroFiddled:
Photo of NeroFiddled
Reviewed by NeroFiddled from Pennsylvania

4/5  rDev +1.3%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Contract brewed by River Horse Brewing Co. in Lambertville, NJ; this clear, deep-copper ale has a reddish-orange cast to it, and reveals glowing ruby-amber highlights when helds to the light. The head retention is fair, and it does leave some thin lace about the glass. The nose reveals an interesting combination of deeply caramelized and somewhat toasty malts infused with piney and citrusy (grapefruit or lemon rind more than anything else) hops. In the mouth it's quite smooth with a medium-light body and restrained carbonation. As the aroma suggests, the flavor delivers an equal amount of malt and hops that's balanced well enough that each component can come through on its own. Drying citrus rind-like hops appear upfront, immediately followed by a wash of caramelish malt that receeds to allow some more juicy hop flavors to come through. It dries quickly in the finish with a rising bitterness; some residual toasty and chocolate-like malts; and then more lingering citrusy and piney hops. It's not complex, but there is a distinct flavor progression that leaves it with a decent amount of character. Worth trying!
Dec 24, 2004
More User Ratings:
Rated: 4 by jfcaa193 from Canada (QC)

Feb 18, 2012
Photo of RonfromJersey
Reviewed by RonfromJersey from New Jersey

4/5  rDev +1.3%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
As I've worked through a case of these, some of the bottles have been extremely foamy, so be ready when you pour.

A hazy red body, ailive with carbonation streams, topped by mountainous piles of off white foam. Excellent lacing.

Once the foam clears a bit, an inviting fresh bread aroma whaffs out of the glass.

Tastewise, it delivers on its promise. A thick caramelly malty start, followed by a growing tide of fruit and bitterness with a big snap that throws the balance over the other way.

Medium mouthfeel. Good drinkability.

Nice example of blurring two styles. Not as good as Red Seal, my favorite big hopped red ale, but I would have this again.

Though it's a little odd that a beer contract brewed in NJ isn't available for sale in NJ.
Jan 31, 2006
Photo of GeoffRizzo
Reviewed by GeoffRizzo from Texas

4.42/5  rDev +11.9%
look: 4 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5
Dark, glowing copper hue, with some definitive ruby red highlights. Throws a medium sized tan head, large offerings on the nose – toasty malts, biscuits, pine and some tender citrus hops. A near perfect combination of an APA and a red; a nice layer of crystal hops, large and full malt tastings in the background; somewhat thick, yet near medium bodied; finishes a little bit dry, yet on the juicy hop side. Highly tasty and very quaffable; this was a treat!
Aug 13, 2005
Photo of Jason
Reviewed by Jason from Massachusetts

4/5  rDev +1.3%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
12 oz brown bottle with no freshness date.

A- Big rolling foam off of a medium pour, very close to spilling over the glass. Brandishing a reddish, almost brown color, clarity is fine as well.

S- Steely caramel, toasted husk and watery citric hop.

T- Hops and toasted malt intertwined, malt sweetness and hop bitterness battle back and forth and neither seems to gain any ground. The hops put a blanket of flavor over the beer in the finish.

M- Creamy and smooth within a moderate body.

D- Maybe not session beer material but drinkable enough to have a couple without hesitating.

This beer reminds me of the old school hoppy red ales that everyone was pumping out in the mid to late 1990's. Lots of flavor for a beer of only 5.8% abv.
Jul 27, 2005
Photo of Naes
Reviewed by Naes from New York

3.8/5  rDev -3.8%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
This ones appearance is a mix of brown and red with a small cream colored head. There is no lacing to speak of.

Its aroma is a blend of malt and hops. It is a very faint smell though.

The flavor is like a cross between India pale ale and red ale. The name of this brew does a good job in the description department. It’s a mellow hopy beer.

The mouth feel is medium bodied and a bit oily. It’s highly drinkable and refreshing.
Jul 26, 2005
Photo of CRJMellor
Reviewed by CRJMellor from Arkansas

2.87/5  rDev -27.3%
look: 3 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 3
Pours a dark copper and bronze mix with a big off-white head that left a small straking of lace around the pint.
Aroma has some flowery, citrusy, and grassy hop tones with some base of caramel.
Flavor was one-dimensional withamber matl really dominating to such an extent that it blocked all other flavors.
Mouthfeel just below average as the feel and a really gritty and almost soap-dishy quality to it. (reading other reviews I'm not sure this bottle is a good sample.
Drinkability was average at best with a very one-dimensional quality and no real kickker on the back end to give it any points for remembering.

The nose is airy with a hoppy backdrop that is vaguely flowery/citrusy. This aroma sits on top of an Irish Red-like malt foundation; I guess this is the reason for the name. There are light caramel aromas, toffee, and a hint of toast spring forth from the malt. I need to work too hard to really figure out what this beer is saying. The bouquet is okay… it is not inviting, what ya saying?

The palate is harsher then the nose indicated, this harshness isn’t pleasant or a derivate of hops. Or course I realize this is an IPA or sorts but I’d like the hops to be more assertive yet more focused. The hop bitterness is lingering and mostly found at the finish. Most of the beer is blessed with a caramel/toffee/toasty malt foundation. I like this aspect of the beer. So many IPAs lack any malt base, this one lacks in hops! Odd. On the whole, the palate is okay; it seems confused, a little dull and too clean. Where is the ale fruitiness?

Medium/medium-light in body, the carbonation is low and flat, the mouthfeel is average and uneventful.
Jun 26, 2005
Photo of NEhophead
Reviewed by NEhophead from Massachusetts

3.88/5  rDev -1.8%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Creamy, dense off white head that leads to some ringed lace once it settles. Condensed lace with good strength down the glass. Deep brow in color with shades of garnet.

Caramel malt sweetness; light coffee and sweetened tea. Dark, musty floral hop aroma with hints of cascade hops.

Sweet toffee flavors at first that are overwhelmed by husky and dark hop flavors. The hops are reminiscent of an unsweetened, bitter chocolate with hints of lemon, apple, and grape. This ale finishes dry and with a dark bitterness. The aftertaste is a bitter tea and coffee flavor.

Medium bodied; harsh and abrasive in describing how the hops feel on the palate: which isn't necessarily a bad thing. This version is heavier than most Reds due to the hop profile.

An interesting take on the style; reminds me of St. Rogue's slightly immature, younger brother. Worth a try on its uniqueness alone.
Jun 25, 2005
Photo of ybnorml
Reviewed by ybnorml from Rhode Island

4.12/5  rDev +4.3%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
A clean very dark copper colored beer. Has a small cramy light brown head. The aroma has a strong floral hop nose with an almost equal chocolaty roasted malt character. The flavor starts with the roasted malt bittersweet chocolate note and then ... wham the roasted bitterness becomes a hop bitterness with a nice grapfruit hint. I really liked that seamless move from roasted bitterness to hop bitterness.
May 31, 2005
Photo of oberon
Reviewed by oberon from North Carolina

3.83/5  rDev -3%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Pours a deep copper color with a nice big two finger off white head that clings nicely to the glass,big citric hop presence in the aroma heavy on the grapefruit and pine with a hard water element in there as well,so far so good.Wow very dry tasting beer almost to dry,very earthy and raw hops hit at yeah held up by a firm dry bisciut malt backbone leaves the mouth bone dry after drinking.Now this is a good ale and unique in its self if you like dry very dry brews this is it for you.
May 27, 2005
Photo of bditty187
Reviewed by bditty187 from Nebraska

3.06/5  rDev -22.5%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
Dark bronze with coppery influences around the edges and dare I say amber highlights. The head was off-white; at the apex the foam was two-fingers in height. Head retention was excellent; it slowly faded to a thick cap. This cap lasted the entire consumption. The lacing started before I took my first sip, I love to see that. However the lacing was spotty at best. The appearance of the beer is very good.

The nose is airy with a hoppy backdrop that is vaguely flowery/citrusy. This aroma sits on top of an Irish Red-like malt foundation; I guess this is the reason for the name. There are light caramel aromas, toffee, and a hint of toast spring forth from the malt. I need to work too hard to really figure out what this beer is saying. The bouquet is okay… it is not inviting, what ya saying?

The palate is harsher then the nose indicated, this harshness isn’t pleasant or a derivate of hops. Or course I realize this is an IPA or sorts but I’d like the hops to be more assertive yet more focused. The hop bitterness is lingering and mostly found at the finish. Most of the beer is blessed with a caramel/toffee/toasty malt foundation. I like this aspect of the beer. So many IPAs lack any malt base, this one lacks in hops! Odd. On the whole, the palate is okay; it seems confused, a little dull and too clean. Where is the ale fruitiness?

Medium/medium-light in body, the carbonation is low and flat, the mouthfeel is average and uneventful.

It is drinkable to a point but this beer needs tweaking. Fair overall but it needs a bigger punch for me. Thank you shippos for the opportunity. My 12-ounce bottle arrived via the Secret Bunny Beer Exchange.
May 27, 2005
Photo of waughbrew
Reviewed by waughbrew from Massachusetts

3.78/5  rDev -4.3%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
I smell grapefruits and cookie dough mixing surprisingly well. Good, though not unique even here in the east coast. Big candylike body conceals a healthy carbonation that bursts out a bit. Resiny bitterness rides all the way through as the hop flavor becomes a pleasant acidity. The caramel malt and juicy hops play nice, but really do not belong together. Finishes with sugar-hop-teeth ala Stone. Tasty.
May 02, 2005
Photo of JackStraw22
Reviewed by JackStraw22 from Virginia

3.9/5  rDev -1.3%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4
Appearance: hazy redish/orange body. Small head, not a lot of retention. A little bit of lacing on the glass.

Smell: Some estery aroma. Hoppy, but not biting. A little bit sweet.

Taste/Mouthfeel: Very well balanced. Hops have some bite at the end, but don't take away from the malt. Coats the mouth well, slick and sweet.

Drinkability: Great session brew.
Apr 27, 2005
Photo of meathookjones
Reviewed by meathookjones from Virginia

4.1/5  rDev +3.8%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5
Murky dark amber with a light tan foamy head. Scattered lace is left around the glass as it is consumed. Nice fresh hoppy aroma with an almost equal caramel malt backing it. Pretty balanced with an edge on the hoppiness, yum. Taste starts with a sweet maltiness before a big hit of citric and floral hops. Some notes of earthiness and an iced tea like flavor are there as well. Bitter piney hop finish wraps this up. Medium and creamy smooth. Easy drinking and tasty. I’d have another.
Apr 19, 2005
Photo of mentor
Reviewed by mentor from Colorado

3.78/5  rDev -4.3%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.5
Thanks to frnacisweizen for this one. Reviewed March 2005. 1/2 finger head over a nice amber liwuid. THe liquid is crystal clear, but there are some fluffy fine particulates suspended. Smells yummy! Grapefruit/citrus hop with noticable caramel. Not much else now that I search more. Tastes sweet initially with floral hop jumping in followed by bitter grapefruit. This tapers off during the swallow into a nice floral aromatic that rises up from the back of hte throat back into my mouth. Combined with this is a caramel/toffee. No so much fruity as it is sweet and refreshing. Near the end of the glass, a rough cohumulone hop character dominated my mouth making this one noticably less drinkable. Md to Md-light mouthfeel with mild carbonation. Nice job. It turned out to be a real hop kicker, but definitely one worth trying.
Mar 20, 2005
Photo of kmpitz2
Reviewed by kmpitz2 from Tennessee

3.41/5  rDev -13.7%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
This beer pours an ambered brown color with a lack of head. The nose is not my favorite. Its full of dirty hop, with a caramel backbone. The flavor is a little better than the nose would say. The hop is a little more crisp and spicey. Its not bad. The feel is moderate. Overall, this is a pretty standard beer. Its refreshing and crisp. Good.
Mar 07, 2005
Photo of warriorsoul
Reviewed by warriorsoul from Pennsylvania

3.6/5  rDev -8.9%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
Thanks to shippos for this unexpected addition.
Pours a dark orange, almost brown w/ a finger and a half of beige head.
Lacing is real thin as the head disappears fairly quick.
The smell is mostly malt with a touch of grassy hops...nothing really jumping out at me at this point.
Taste is a real nice flavor...ambers/reds are not my favorites, but I could put back a couple of these in a night. A bitter malt takes over, but the hops are making more of an appearance as this one works it way to room temperature.
The mouthfeel is complaints here. Not too thin, not real slick...aftertaste lingers a bit.
Glad to have tried one of Landmark's Brews...hope to see them produce a few others.
Mar 02, 2005
Photo of blitheringidiot
Reviewed by blitheringidiot from Pennsylvania

3.55/5  rDev -10.1%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3
Label Lingo and bottle babble: Tri labeled 12 oz’er. No freshness info. A picture of a public square motif label. Back label explains the blend of styles with Crystal and Pacific NW hops.

Deep amber orange hues with scant bubbles rising up to a quickly fading spotty khaki head cap cover that started as a ½” dense foam that leaves some solid lattice lace.

Slight mixed fruit sweet nose. Orange citrousy hop characters, and sugary malts.

First Swigs: Soft sugary malts and easy hops. Sweet cherry and fresh orange notes. Well balanced. Lingering powdery flour and hops citrous aftertaste.

Gentle carbonation and almost powdery feel. Thin to medium body.

Last Swigs: An easy going citrousy hopped pale with sweet raw pancake malts thrown in for balance. Nothing special here but interesting mix of styles. A quaffable session brew and not much more.

Beer is good. Happy beering.
Feb 23, 2005
Photo of Scoats
Reviewed by Scoats from Pennsylvania

4.35/5  rDev +10.1%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5
Wow. I had this in a sample bottle and wan't too impressed. It was ok but didn't do much for me at the time; just another good IPA. Last night I had it on draft, and man oh man, it's a rocking good time.

Very complex with a lot going on. A wonderful interplay of maltiness and hoppiness. Sort of a morbius strip of hoppy and malty.

One of those rare beers that hops out of the crowd and really wakes you up with just how great it is.
Feb 17, 2005
Photo of ithacabaron
Reviewed by ithacabaron from California

4/5  rDev +1.3%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
This is the brewery's only product, and last I knew it was still being contract brewed.

It pours a nice burnished red, with a thin head that, even as it fades, proves to be well constructed. Many tiny bubbles rim the flass and leave what for this ABV should be considered decent lacing.

Aroma is clean, approachable hops, floating on top of a clean rock-candy malt base.

Taste reveals a whole other layer of depth to this brew's profile. Hops here are a conduit for the malt, a handmaiden to carry the caramelized goodness of the barley. I like IPA/Red Ale that shows off the malt instead of the hops. I would almost argue that this is more in the British tradition, but a clean kick of hop at the finish lets me know I'm still back here in the States. There might be a little adjunct twinge in here -- but don't quote me on that. The finish is cleaning, and drying, with a slight astringency.

Mouthfeel is a bit higher than I'd like, but serviceable.

Drinkability is pretty good -- I could imagine sitting down for a few of these.

All in all, not bad, not great, but very good. A solid 4.0 across the board.
Feb 08, 2005