Lips Of Faith - Pat's Stout
New Belgium Brewing Company

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New Belgium Brewing Company
Colorado, United States
American Stout
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3.15 | pDev: 31.11%
Oct 30, 2006
May 24, 2006
No description / notes.
Recent ratings and reviews.
Photo of grumpy
Reviewed by grumpy from Missouri

1.77/5  rDev -43.8%
look: 1.5 | smell: 2 | taste: 1.5 | feel: 2 | overall: 2
What a letdown this beer was. Easily the most watery stout I have ever tasted. The flavor components were typical of a stout, but this was a bland, bland beer. It literally impressed us as a stout or porter that had been mixed with water at about 4:1 water to beer. And curiously, no Belgian yeast affects were noted. The appearance was quite lacking as well, again looking dilute and weak. There are better Belgian style stouts out there. Namely, any of them...

I'm not the biggest fan of the NB line, but the Trippel and Abbey are good enough to make me expect more than this.
Oct 30, 2006
Photo of benito
Reviewed by benito from Oregon

3.84/5  rDev +21.9%
look: 3 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 3 | overall: 4
This was on tap at the brewery during my visit at the end of July 2006. It's a Belgian-style stout that seeks to challenge the primacy and predominance of light, golden beers as the kings of summer seasonals. Overall, it's a good brew and makes a case for the dark summer beer.

A: Chestnut brown with hints of amber and a small head.

S: A mix of marshmallow and celery. In other words, there's a good balance between salty and sweet here. An unlikely and enticing combo for a stout.

T: All around this is very sweet. Cocoa is the dominant flavor, and there's a nice spicy (peppery) finish. The hops are low, but the brew is balanced out by its mix of chocolate and pepper.

M: Well-balanced overal. The finish is abrupt, but the flavor is good enough without length that this is only a minor flaw.

D: Light and surprisingly summery. I'm sold on the idea of a summer stout. Now, will New Belgium have the guts to market this as its next seasonal? (In my mind, it's a whole lot better than Skinny Dip!)

Recommended. Another fun experiment from New Belgium.
Jul 22, 2006
Photo of swid
Reviewed by swid from Missouri

3.85/5  rDev +22.2%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
I was able to obtain this beer through a very unusual set of circumstances; apparently, this beer was no longer on tap at the brewery during the Memorial Day weekend. In any case, thanks Mom for bringing this back for me to try!

Lips of Faith Stout pours a very dark brown color into my pint glass. Atop the not-quite-opaque liquid sets a 1/4", light tan head, which dissipates quickly into a soapy ring. Moderate carbonation, little lacing. The aroma of this beer is surprisingly restrained, and is a mixture of a typical stout and New Belgium's 1554. Chocolate, coffee, plum and mildly sweet alcohol smells are present, along with a barely perceptible floral and herbal aroma from the hops.

The flavors of this beer are very complex. The initial taste of this beer is quite sweet, then the stout-like chocolate and coffee flavors become evident. A bit after that, the taste takes a decidedly Belgian turn, with cherry, plum, and a mild alcohol-infused funk. The mouthfeel is wet and full without being heavy. The finish is slightly tart; the beer leaves a slightly spicy aftertaste.

All in all, Lips of Faith Stout is probably more of a dark Belgian ale than a stout, but it's a very interesting take on the styles. It'd be great to see this as a fall or winter seasonal.
Jun 02, 2006