Jade (Biere Biologique)
Brasserie Castelain

Jade (Biere Biologique)Jade (Biere Biologique)
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Brasserie Castelain
Belgian Pale Ale
3.56 | pDev: 16.57%
Aug 15, 2020
Aug 07, 2002
No description / notes.
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Ratings by Dogbrick:
Photo of Dogbrick
Reviewed by Dogbrick from Ohio

2.3/5  rDev -35.4%
look: 2 | smell: 2 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 2 | overall: 2.5
Organic is a good way to describe this beer. My bottle was slightly skunked but luckily it did not carry over to the taste. Cloudy yellow with a medium head. Earthy, crushed berry flavor that didn't do too much for me. Now I can say I have tried a French beer.
Oct 14, 2002
More User Ratings:
Rated: 2.74 by tottel from Netherlands

Aug 15, 2020
Photo of elnachooo
Reviewed by elnachooo from Spain

1.88/5  rDev -47.2%
look: 2 | smell: 2 | taste: 1.75 | feel: 1.75 | overall: 2
Cerveza dorada con una gran cabeza espumosa, de cuerpo ligero y carbonatación media. Aroma a malta y un poco de cereal. En boca es seca, ligeramente dulce aunque no muy agradable.
Aug 18, 2019
Rated: 3.77 by Eltrandos from France

Nov 09, 2018
Photo of josanguapo
Reviewed by josanguapo from Spain

2.5/5  rDev -29.8%
look: 2.5 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 2.5 | overall: 2.5
From Hipercor. In Teku glass. Playing Khimera. Flat and boring. Another industrial-ish brew, with specially bad price/quality relation given that comes in 25c and is fairly expensive
Mar 14, 2018
Rated: 3.14 by franciscop from Chile

Mar 04, 2018
Rated: 3.69 by GannicusKiller from Argentina

Nov 11, 2017
Photo of Bruno74200
Reviewed by Bruno74200 from France

3.55/5  rDev -0.3%
look: 3.75 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.25 | overall: 3.5
This belgian pale ale is a bit dull. It's a lot on the cereal side. The only attributes of this beer is that it's organic. Apart from that it's expansive for what it is
Nov 10, 2015
Rated: 3.4 by Jerseyislandbeer from Jersey

Dec 12, 2014
Rated: 2.5 by Geert from Netherlands

Sep 28, 2014
Rated: 3.75 by thkrb99 from California

Mar 12, 2014
Photo of metter98
Reviewed by metter98 from New York

3.58/5  rDev +0.6%
look: 3.75 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
A: The beer is clear yellow in color and has a moderate amount of visible carbonation. It poured with a finger high white head that gradually died down, leaving a thin layer of bubbles covering the surface, a collar around the edge of the glass and some lacing down the sides.
S: Light aromas of fruity yeast are present in the nose—apples stand out in particular.
T: The taste is similar to the smell and has very faint hints of pale malts.
M: It feels light-bodied on the palate and has a moderate amount of carbonation.
O: This beer doesn't have much complexity in terms of aromas or flavors but is very drinkable (especially given the low alcohol content) and would probably be best suited for pairing with a meal as opposed to drinking it on its own.
May 10, 2013
Rated: 3.75 by WillieThreebiers from Connecticut

Apr 27, 2013
Rated: 4 by JellyJacket from Illinois

Feb 15, 2013
Photo of UCLABrewN84
Reviewed by UCLABrewN84 from California

3.5/5  rDev -1.7%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Bottle pour at the BevMo Holiday Beerfest held at Golden Road Brewing in Los Angeles, CA.

Pours a clear light yellow with a foamy off-white head that settles to a film on top of the beer. Small dots of lace slowly drip into the remaining beer on the drink down. Smell is of malt, grain, and some fruity aromas. Taste is much the same with a grape juice flavor on the finish. This beer has a lower level of carbonation with a slightly crisp mouthfeel. Overall, this is a pretty good beer that is pretty tasty and easy to drink.
Dec 02, 2012
Photo of StJamesGate
Reviewed by StJamesGate from New York

3.38/5  rDev -5.1%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Pale gold with a steady snowy carpet that fades fast. Wet grain sack and flower nectar nose - a bit sickly sweet.
Flinty grain, soup nuts and a bit of salt, a bready yeast hit and grassy hops with some white pepper if I concentrate hard and a tingly dry finish.
Crisp, light, slightest chew.

25ml bottle.

Is this a pale ale or a lager? And lots of reviews saying farmhouse/saison. So now I'm confused...

Sharp and quenching, no foul notes. But not getting any saison tastes at all, other than Belgian yeast. Nothing special, organic or not.
Jan 15, 2012
Photo of dirtyskunk
Reviewed by dirtyskunk from Colorado

3.91/5  rDev +9.8%
look: 4.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Nice bottle with a resealable cap. Keep that one for homebrewing. Pours with a beautiful mountain of pure white foam that crumbles and dissolves very slowly, but never completely, leaving lots of nice sloppy lacing. Clear light golden in color with lots of visible (and audible) carbonation. Beautiful looking beer, no complaints about the appearance.

Smells like fresh citrus hops when the bottle pops. Very refreshing in a European beer. Some nice toasty malt/wheat smell. Nothing big here in any department though.

The taste is a lot brighter and cleaner than I expected. Big tangy citrus with the malt at first, but very well balanced considering it's a small relatively light beer. Pulls back soft and dry, a little wheat, a little touch of lipsmacking hoppiness. Maybe Amarillo hops? Doubtful, but it has a similar orange flavor with a powdery aspirin bitterness. Kind of biscuity in the back too. Nothing cloying or sweet here. Some of those clean, lagery vegetable aromas.

Not expecting much in the mouthfeel because of the low ABV, but the carbonation holds it up, and it's got a nice backbone actually. Smooth and not just that stomach filling wheat beer kind of body. Dryness is nice.

I like this. Exceeds expectations. It all goes together well, just enough going on, nothing over the top. A well balanced pale Belgian with a cool bottle and a cool price. Oh yeah and it's organic.
Dec 07, 2011
Photo of atis
Reviewed by atis from Finland

3.07/5  rDev -13.8%
look: 2 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3
Pours with large white and champagne like fizzy head that is gone almost instantly. Aroma is sweetish malt, vegetables.

Taste is sweetish malt, spicy floral hops bite, bits of citrus fruit that are present also in the sweet aftertaste. Mouthfeel is medium, moderate carbonation.

Fairly drinkable, but very boring.
Oct 05, 2011
Photo of malmquna
Reviewed by malmquna from France

2.85/5  rDev -19.9%
look: 2.5 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3
Label has changed as mentioned before, along with the ABV.

Bubbly, thick, just off-white head settles over a clear lightly golden liquid. Good staying power on the head, with some lace on the glass. Smells fresh, grassy, a little yeast.

Initially a little buttery, in a good, non-rancid way. I would swear there was a little wheat in here, but the label mentions nothing but 'organic malt'. Still a nice, fresh flavor, perhaps very subtle clove or cardamom undertone. A pleasant, mild bitterness lasts through the clean finish.

Mouthfeel is full but fresh and clean. This is fairly drinkable, but probably better with some food: fish & chips, pizza, something spicy. I won't be reaching out for this every time I see it, but I would buy it again.
Feb 27, 2010
Photo of BoitSansSoif
Reviewed by BoitSansSoif from France

3.51/5  rDev -1.4%
look: 4 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
A-Bottle slightly different than that shown...that one was also on the shelf, but there was a newer batch w/a beige label, green print, and a couple hop buds. Abv reads 4.5%. Pours slightly hazy light orange-gold w/dense creamy white head, bits of tracing, decent retention.

S-Bits of malt, faint fruit, hay, floral, grassy, and herbal hops.

T-Fruity (lemon, orange, apple) w/toasty malt profile, hops grace finish w/ floral, herbal and metallic notes. Aftertaste is dry w/touch of lemon.

M-Well-balanced and dry, faint metallic mouthfeel throughout. Body is on lighter side, carbonation is moderate.

D-Light refreshing brew.
Dec 14, 2009