Southern Tier Brewing Company

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Southern Tier Brewing Company
New York, United States
Rye Beer
3.83 | pDev: 9.14%
Jan 26, 2020
Aug 28, 2013
No description / notes.
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Photo of cratez
Rated by cratez from Canada (ON)

4.15/5  rDev +8.4%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4.75 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.75
Rating from notes. Consumed October 2013. "Amazing aromas and with balanced, satisfying flavours. Good Rye IPA."
Jan 26, 2020
Rated: 3.5 by 1971bernat from Virginia

Jan 03, 2018
Photo of Lone_Freighter
Reviewed by Lone_Freighter from Vermont

3.22/5  rDev -15.9%
look: 3.75 | smell: 3 | taste: 3.25 | feel: 3.25 | overall: 3.25
The appearance was a nice hazy golden orange to yellow color with a one finger white foamy head that dissipated within about a minute. There was a tad of light foamy lacing that trickled for the most part. The smell had some light Rye malt with just a tad of bitter citrus hoppiness in and out of a slight bearing of the flavors. The taste was sweet and bitter, not at the same time but still showing a nice sweet to bitter and yet ultimately still having a slight Rye flavoring here and there all around. On the palate, this one sat about a light to medium on the body with a fairly decent sessionability about it. The carbonation was somewhat smooth and subdued. Overall, I say this was a pretty good Rye beer worthy of having again.
Jun 07, 2017
Photo of q33jeff
Reviewed by q33jeff from New Jersey

3.72/5  rDev -2.9%
look: 2.25 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 2.75 | overall: 3.75
Aroma Is wheat barley yeast, very grainy. Pleasant, not strong. Color is light brown, opaque very small white head . Flavor is excellent , sharp bite, good rye flavor . Grass, hay, vegetable. A little flat but otherwise a lively beer. Nice Rye.

Oct 24, 2016
Rated: 4 by sposter4 from Pennsylvania

Jan 10, 2016
Rated: 3.64 by rolltide8425 from Pennsylvania

Dec 01, 2015
Rated: 3.75 by chasmandocharles from Pennsylvania

Sep 04, 2015
Photo of chinchill
Reviewed by chinchill from South Carolina

4.03/5  rDev +5.2%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
12 oz bottle. No date found.

Pours clear copper in color with a nice head that has very good duration, Nice sheets of lacing are left on the glass.

M: smooth and full, with excellent, lively carbonation.

Aroma: sweet malts, including caramel, with plenty of multi-grain bread and a little spiciness from the rye.

T: could be adequately described as a malty American PA with an additional spicy rye component.

O: A malty and spicy PA. Well crafted and easy to drink.
Aug 25, 2015
Photo of leantom
Reviewed by leantom from Indiana

4.13/5  rDev +7.8%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4
A very good offering from ST. Here goes:

A: Dark but clear amber-brown. A very good head that lingers and leaves lacing as well. Interestingly, I was able to guess the abv merely from drinking it (the bartender was quite shocked), if that tells you anything.

S: Very sweet and piney. Lots of caramel malt and rye complemented by piney hops and some grapefruit. Very honey-ish.

T: Piney hops with caramel and honey. Follows the nose quite well. Also a substantial grapefruit aftertaste.

F: Good.

O: A solid beer. Predominate rye and caramel malt with a large helping of piney/grapefruity hops.
Aug 17, 2015
Rated: 3.6 by rderedin from Maine

Aug 12, 2015
Rated: 3.75 by UltimateLivewire from South Carolina

Jul 26, 2015
Rated: 3.52 by Warren2621 from Indiana

Jul 08, 2015
Rated: 4 by Leschber from Texas

Jul 05, 2015
Photo of Treyliff
Reviewed by Treyliff from West Virginia

3.78/5  rDev -1.3%
look: 3.75 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.75
12oz bottle poured into a pint glass

A- pours a deep amber color with a small creamy off-white head that reduces to a thin layer floating on top

S- sweet caramel malt with some toasted grain, spicy and peppery rye with piney hop aroma

T- citrusy and piney hop flavor up front mixes with spicy, peppery & earthy rye. Underlying caramel malt adds a bit of sweetness on the close

M- medium-viscous body with medium carbonation leads to a foamy mouthfeel and a slightly chewy finish

O- good drinkability with a nice spicy rye kick
Jul 02, 2015
Photo of TonyLema1
Rated by TonyLema1 from South Carolina

3.69/5  rDev -3.7%
look: 3.75 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.75
Lots of rye spiciness in the nose and taste, malty balance
Jun 28, 2015
Rated: 3.6 by bluehende from Delaware

Jun 22, 2015
Rated: 4.05 by Aewachiw from Maryland

Jun 18, 2015
Rated: 3.68 by skaboom420 from Pennsylvania

Jun 13, 2015
Rated: 4.5 by aussiebeer from Illinois

Jun 10, 2015
Rated: 3.83 by Hop_God from California

Jun 03, 2015