Hometown Blonde
New Glarus Brewing Company

Hometown BlondeHometown Blonde
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New Glarus Brewing Company
Wisconsin, United States
German Pilsner
3.99 | pDev: 11.03%
Jun 29, 2021
Apr 05, 2002
Embrace a classic! Hometown Blonde is an Old World style pilsner, assertively hopped with four premium hop varieties. Tettnanger, Saaz, Styrian Golding and Strisselpalt varieties all grace this German-style brew with the complex character you enjoy in a classic pilsner.

Expect to pour an elegant blonde glass of beer, crowned with a rich head of foam that resonates with our chorus of hops. Although delicate in appearance, our Hometown Blonde has a backbone, but of course that's no surprise in Wisconsin. Enjoy!
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Rated: 4.78 by BrendanStoehr96 from Wisconsin

Jun 29, 2021
Photo of jrc1093
Reviewed by jrc1093 from Connecticut

4.03/5  rDev +1%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4
Bottle reads 'L200'; consumed on 2/26/21

Pours a crystal-clear, dark honey-gold body, sporting consistent effervescence and topped with just over a finger of dense, fluffy, slightly off-white foam; decent head retention leaves a spotty curtain of cap, moderate, creamy collar, and chunky rings of lacing holding firmly to the walls of the glass.

Aroma opens with vague mossy tones against fresh baked white bread feeding into snappy lemon and hints of cracked black pepper appearing over the middle; floral hops peak into the back end of the bouquet as a sensation of fuzzy peach phases into more robust bread crust balanced by touches of honey through the close.

Taste offers a more herbal nuance upfront, showing dried grass and moss backed with a cleansing minerality before toasted bread crusts rise to prominence; a tinge of lager yeast and biscuit appear over the mid-palate, while straw, flaky malts, and grass resume alongside bittersweet honeysuckle into the finish.

Mouthfeel brings a light body counterbalanced by a nearly full, spritzy carbonation, dissipating with a mild grit and flaky yeast texture over the mid-palate; a wisp of bitterness lightly contrasts a minor twang through the back end as firm, flaky malts see a peaking, moderately dry crispness through the finish.

Showcasing a clean balance humbled with well-tempered and flavorful edges, this pilsner rides a supremely diverse character display throughout for an incredibly sessionable and gratifying take on the style.
Feb 27, 2021
Rated: 3.93 by TwilightBeerCareer from Illinois

Feb 14, 2021
Rated: 4.09 by Rhettroactive from Virginia

Oct 31, 2020
Rated: 4.19 by Benish from Utah

Sep 26, 2020
Rated: 4.27 by RitzCarling from Illinois

Jun 29, 2019
Rated: 4.08 by Half-full from Illinois

Mar 12, 2018
Photo of brentk56
Reviewed by brentk56 from North Carolina

4.02/5  rDev +0.8%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Appearance: Pours fairly clear and goldenstraw colored, the head building to two fingers; good stickage and plenty of squiggly lace

Smell: Cakey and grassy, with a hint of lemon

Taste: A bit of a lemon pound cake character, up front, with a grassy tone developing, through the middle; the finish is sweeter than expected for the style; perhaps some diacetyl is generating the pound cake aspect

Mouthfeel: Light to medium body with moderate carbonation

Overall: Despite the sweetness, this was an enjoyable quaff

Thanks, Virby44, for the opportunity
Dec 31, 2017
Photo of SomethingClever
Reviewed by SomethingClever from Ohio

3.72/5  rDev -6.8%
look: 4.5 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.75
12 oz bottle poured into nonic pint.

A: Nice small white small bubbled head. Body is a crystal clear yellow gold.

S: Light roasted malts, a little light bread, and a little corn.

T: Tastes like a regular macro beer, some light maltiness some corn very clean and light.

M: Crisp clean and very light but not watery.

O: This beer isn't bad, but it's not like New Glarus is reinventing the wheel. Budweiser, Miller, and, Coors do the same beer and they aren't bad. Just a clean light beer.
Dec 02, 2017
Rated: 3.5 by mothman from Minnesota

Nov 07, 2017
Photo of Tsar_Riga
Reviewed by Tsar_Riga from Minnesota

4.06/5  rDev +1.8%
look: 4 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
A - Pale gold, clear, with a huge blizzard of carbonation bubbles, and a fat white head and some ropy lacing.

S - A bright herbal note, grass and tea, floral highlights and a hint of clove honey sweetness.

T - Bright open follows the nose, grassy and spicy hops in the open, a bit of earthiness, followed by a powerful honey note, again suggesting clove honey, and a brisk, mildly bitter close.

M - Slightly prickly, strongly carbonated open, and a mildly dry close.

O - Super clean, crisp, smart take on the Pilsener. The result is both drinkable and nuanced, offering traditional touchstones and a lovely brightness that wins over this Pilsener skeptic.
Oct 18, 2017
Photo of hoptheology
Reviewed by hoptheology from California

4.49/5  rDev +12.5%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 5 | overall: 4.5
Acquired from the brewer. A six-hop variety (Hallertau, Saaz, Saphir, Styrian Goldings, Spalt, and Strisselspalt) with Breiss malts.

Pours a very clean, slightly hazy golden blonde color. The head is gorgeous and huge, 4 fingers, lots of puffy cloud stuff, and tons of lace destroying the glass after it recedes, leaving a dome in the middle.

Very crisp, clean pilsner malt; grass, straw, and grain. This is what I imagine a clean German Stable would smell like.

This could possibly be the most drinkable beer ever. I keep wanting to chug it. It's so clean, so refreshing, so...ahhhh. Some slivers of straw and saaz hop on the finish, but mostly bready grain and light buttered cabbage (not a flaw) throughout the whole taste. Dan did great on this one.

Feel is nothing short of remarkable. Like I said it's so drinkable. Crisp, clean, refreshing, easy.

Overall the ultimate session beer if you're into Czech inspired lagers. I doubt you'll be able to, but pick this one up if you can ever find it.
Oct 10, 2017
Rated: 3.27 by jchanley from Illinois

Oct 03, 2017
Rated: 3.66 by Angerhaus from Rhode Island

Sep 30, 2017
Photo of Verasong
Rated by Verasong from Illinois

4.17/5  rDev +4.5%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4.25
Great clean crisp beer. Fantastic from start to finish.
Sep 16, 2017
Rated: 4 by Sweffin from Wisconsin

Sep 11, 2017
Photo of Sabtos
Reviewed by Sabtos from Ohio

4.38/5  rDev +9.8%
look: 4 | smell: 4.75 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.5
Sparkling light gold with a very large, fluffy white foam that settles in lumps leaving fuzzy arms of lace.

Smell is simple but refined and really nice--corn, grassy hops, freshly baked white buns and a hint of Werther's, all very well integrated within each other.

Taste is sweet white baked buns with sweet corn and semi-bitter, grassy, herbal hops.

Neutral and clean but exceptionally drinkable, Hometown Blonde is crisp with a semi-wet finish.

This is so amazingly well made, it's reminding me of Mary.
Sep 07, 2017
Rated: 4.06 by REVZEB from Illinois

Sep 02, 2017
Rated: 4.37 by Toynk from Illinois

Aug 30, 2017
Rated: 4 by Narthax from Texas

Aug 24, 2017