Green Peppercorn Tripel
The Brewer's Art

Green Peppercorn TripelGreen Peppercorn Tripel
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The Brewer's Art
Maryland, United States
4.07 | pDev: 9.83%
Jul 31, 2019
Feb 14, 2004
No description / notes.
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Ratings by Rast:
Photo of Rast
Rated by Rast from Maryland

3.5/5  rDev -14%

Nov 11, 2013
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Photo of tone77
Reviewed by tone77 from Pennsylvania

3.92/5  rDev -3.7%
look: 4 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 4
Poured from a 12 oz. can, which says 9.0% abv. Has a rich golden color with a 1 inch head. Smell is of fruits, yeast. Taste is peppery, fruits, apples stand out, yeast, light hops and alcohol. Feels medium/full bodied in the mouth and overall is an enjoyable beer.
Jul 31, 2019
Rated: 3.98 by drh88 from Pennsylvania

Apr 04, 2019
Photo of beerthulhu
Reviewed by beerthulhu from New Jersey

3.63/5  rDev -10.8%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.5
-B.B. 05.18.18. Consumed 06.27.18.

A: Pristine clarity with a pale orange coloring has a loosely dense effervesce of macro-bubbles with a quick pace. Weakly holding head is eggshell white in color dissipates to a washy covering. No lacing.

S: The aroma is lightly tart lemon with some dried sugary malt. Light green apple cider, light in strength.

T: The flavor had a prominent peppery spicing, with sparkling green apples and fruit of pear. Herbal spicing, parsely, breakfast fruit, and floral honey suckle. The green peppercorns are strong at start and finish.

M: Sparkling active carbonation, thick and oily feel, with a warm peppery spicing and alcohol glow on the inner cheeks.

O: Overall the nose was a bit reserved, the coloring a bit darker but the flavor does have a good malting per style with a prominent spicing of green pepper corns, perhaps a bit to much at times that hides and over shadows the finer belgian yeastiness quality. The alcohol is warm and spicy, true to style, the mouthful was thick and oily, a bit more substance then usual. This really didn't impress me to much at first, thought the green peppercorns were a bit much and unbalanced, but it was labeled a green peppercorn tripel so it did emphasis this point a bit more then the standard style. Good overall, but nothing really defining to my by style.
Jul 11, 2018
Rated: 3.79 by mjw2808 from Maryland

May 12, 2018
Photo of BBThunderbolt
Reviewed by BBThunderbolt from Kiribati

3.17/5  rDev -22.1%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.25 | taste: 3 | feel: 3.25 | overall: 3.25
This is my “Mystery Beer” from NBS BIF #007. Thanks to bl00 for this. Poured from 12oz can into 10oz fluted tulip.

Poured a clean, clear straw-gold color with over a half-inch of white head that had good retention and light lacing. 3.5

The aroma was mostly mildly sweet grains, with a hit of alcohol, and very low hop levels. 3.25

The flavors were dominated by a harsh and hot alcohol taste. The grains were still apparent underneath. 3.0

The body was on the medium side of thin, and had a semi-sweet finish. 3.25

Drinkability was a bit rough with the alcohol burn. Maybe a little time would soften it up. Overall, a nice enough brew, underneath the hotness. 3.25
Apr 09, 2018
Photo of mpyle
Reviewed by mpyle from Maryland

4.23/5  rDev +3.9%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.25
Tripel from a can - wild!

Pale gold color. Brilliantly clear, with a decent sized white head. Decent retention for a 9% beer.

Soft fruity and peppery nose. A little bit of sugary sweet, but overall aroma is pretty clean. No alcohol.

A bit of sweetness, but a stronger pepper note in flavor than anticipated. Between the pepper and sufficient hop bitterness, it stays fairly balanced and has the dry, slightly bitter finish desired in the style. A hint of lemon early. Very clean and drinkable.

Medium body and med-high carbonation. This beer hides its strength well, and only has a hint of alcohol warming.

Expected a nice tripel from this place that has a Belgian focus, and was not disappointed.
Mar 25, 2018
Rated: 4.01 by JOldewurtel from Maryland

Jan 23, 2018
Photo of ThisWangsChung
Reviewed by ThisWangsChung from Maryland

3.8/5  rDev -6.6%
look: 4.5 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.75
This has a wonderful look and a unique yet familiar aroma. While the usual suspects are there in full force (like candied sugar, orange, and grass), peppercorns are particularly assertive. The latter facet alone helps it stand out from the pack, but it's still a pleasant and well executed nose. Same with the flavor profile: familiar, but the peppercorns also make it distinctly spicy. Notes of lemon, orange, candied sugar, and wheat help round it out. This succeeds because it fulfills the main criteria expected from the style: it's insanely smooth and balanced for the gravity. This drinks like it's 5%. It has a medium-thick body and a prickly texture, but again...this is 5%. I refused to be convinced otherwise. Carbonation is medium. It's fairly priced, in six pack cans, and smooth as other words, a good way to have a great time - or end up butt naked, smeared in BBQ sauce, and wearing a traffic cone as a hat. Whatever, it's really tasty.

3.8/5: A damn fine tripel in an approachable package
Jan 16, 2018
Photo of detgfrsh
Reviewed by detgfrsh from Texas

4.18/5  rDev +2.7%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.25
On tap. Yellow color with a finger of white head. Fruity smell. Medium feel, plenty of carbonation. Fruity and a little sweet with spicy peppercorn flavors. Very good.
Jan 12, 2018
Rated: 4.46 by Ctb6582 from Maryland

Jan 01, 2017
Photo of jmasher85
Reviewed by jmasher85 from Maryland

4.2/5  rDev +3.2%
look: 4.75 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.25
First of all, this is one of the highest "Look" ratings I've ever given. Between the head that is far too legit to ever consider quitting, to the multitudinous-but-reasonable little yeasty floaters, this is clearly a beer that means business. Otherwise, this is a delicious beer that brushes up gently against the rear end of greatness in a mischievous yet flirtatious way, as if to say, "Hey babe, I know I'm not in your league, but I'm so self assured that I'm gonna pretend I am anyway in hopes that you fall for it."
The flavor is sweet and malty with little in the way of detectable hops, but rather a sweet, light malty flavor (fits the light-for-a-tripel body) and a cut grass nose. Seriously, if someone took some unripe green peppercorns and made a tea with all the other weed clippings they got during their gardening session, and then added some cane sugar plus some cheap malt liquor to bump up the flavor, and then used a magic spell to make it taste way better than I just described it, that would be this beer.
Totally worth going after, this is a tasty beer that can pair well with most vegetable or light entree dishes, and is fairly unique, that last part coming from a guy who is probs totes jaded from the ton of beer he drinks. Yeah, I said probs totes. One recommendation - split this with a friend if you want to enjoy it all. Otherwise, you will get halfway through the 750 and your tastebuds will be so tired of it, they will just stop registering it at all.
Jul 27, 2016
Rated: 4.6 by JCAMPBELL from Maryland

May 07, 2016
Rated: 4 by iRun2Beer from Minnesota

Sep 02, 2015
Rated: 4 by jkrug5 from Maryland

Aug 22, 2015
Rated: 4.25 by ryancl from Minnesota

Jul 09, 2015
Rated: 3.79 by cj8311 from Maryland

Jul 08, 2015
Rated: 3.4 by terrysjag from Maryland

May 24, 2015
Photo of bluehende
Reviewed by bluehende from Delaware

4.09/5  rDev +0.5%
look: 4 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.25
I did not expect to like this beer as I am not a fan of peppers in beer. The green peppercorn put a very nice flavor along with the belgian yeast. It gave it a rye quality but much more vegetal. Very nice.
Apr 25, 2015
Rated: 3.77 by IdrinkGas from Pennsylvania

Apr 19, 2015